Friday, January 04, 2008

Schools begin admissions for Pre-primary & Nursery

City schools seem to have outwitted the government. They have started admission for the nursery class, while the Department of Public Instruction is still in the process of formulating guidelines. According to the existing rules, the admission process cannot begin sooner than April. But no school is in any mood to stick to this rule.

When we enquired with some top schools in the city , we were told that admission forms were available for the academic year 2008-09. ``We will issue the application forms for nursery admissions from January 10. We will also have interviews of parents and the child as well. Do contact us before January 10 for more information’’, a few school admission clerks said.

Hence, parents, if you are looking for admission to your kid in a city school, Hurry up. has a comprehensive List of Schools in Bangalore offering various syllabus. Take time to browse here.


Anonymous said...

Many schools have stopped issuing application forms long back (read October). Example...

1. New Horizon
2. NPS, Indiranagar

Anonymous said...

Hi, Which are the schools still issuing admission forms for KG in bangalore? please let me know

Anonymous said...

Try good CBSE schools and International Schools. They are still admitting students. Only top ICSE Schools and few CBSE schools have locked their admissions.

Anonymous said...

Hi All,
Iam a parent of 4yrs kid.
We tried admitting our kid in New Horizon Public School.

We were called for the interview.
The Child was interviewed seperately in a private room.
The child got shortlisted when the results were out.
But, we do not know on what basis do they select the kids. We were shortlisted amonst 220 students. but,they have putus on waiting lisrt.

Still.......waiting......for the call....

Please have some sense while admitting kids....what these poor kids will do other than dreaming about their Big School after giving out their best inthe Interviews....

New Horizon Will you be sensible!!!!!!!!!